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<H1>Bitbake on Ubuntu </H1>
<H1>Bitbake on Ubuntu </H1>
<H2>Getting Started</H2>
See my work posted on [http://www.gumstix.net/wiki/index.php?title=Bitbake_on_Ubuntu Bitbake on Ubuntu].
<LI>Download Ubuntu from: [http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download]
<LI>Burn ISO Image to a disk
<LI>Put Disk into machine of your choice (These examples are run on an Acer Aspire Model: KAW60)
<LI>Install Ubuntu from Disk
Once Ubuntu is up and running Type:
<LI>$ sudo passwd
<LI>$ yourpassword
Configure internet access using:
<H1>Question / Comments</H1>
<LI>$ ifconfig eth0 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
<LI>$ net-setup
Note: On the Acer, Ubuntu automatically connected
Note: Every command run with sudo will require yourpassword in order to run
There are a couple of dependencies which must be installed first:
<LI>Monotone (or bitkeeper, but I used monotone)
<LI>This requires that Boost is installed
<LI>Pyscho JIT Compiler
<LI>Python compiler (should come with OS)
Download These from
Create a directory under your home directory called slug
<LI>$cd /home/yourname
<LI>$mkdir slug
Place all of the downloaded files into this directory and extract them.
Either by right clicking and choosing extract OR
<LI>$ gunzip –d name followed by $ tar –xfv name
Monotone will not install without other dependencies.  Run the following:
<LI>$ sudo apt-get install autoconf
<LI>$ sudo apt-get install automake
<LI>$ sudo apt-get install gettext
<LI>$ sudo apt-get install libboost-dev
<LI>$ sudo apt-get install libz-dev
<LI>$ sudo apt-get install g++
Run the commands:
<LI>$ sudo apt-get install boost_1_38_0
<LI>$ sudo apt-get install python
<LI>$ sudo apt-get install make
<LI>$ sudo apt-get install subversion
<LI>$ sudo apt-get install psycho 
<LI>$ sudo ./setup.py install 
<LI>$sudo apt-get install mtn-0.42-linux-x86
<H3>To Configure Monotone:</H3>
Create a configure script in /home/yourname/slug if one is not created.
Include the following lines in the script:
$aclocal-1.9&&autoreconf –install
$AUTOMAKE=automake-1.9 ACLOCAL=aclocal-1.9 autoreconf install
Download automake1.9  (if not installed) from [http://www.filewatcher.com/m/automake-1.9.6.tar.bz2.765505.0.0.html]
Extract and run
<LI>$sudo apt-get install automake1.9
Then run
<LI>$sudo ./configure
To fetch the monotone sources run:
<LI>mtn --db=mt.mtn db init
<LI>mtn --db=mt.mtn pull monotone.ca “net.venge.monotone*”
<LI>mtn --db=mt.mtn --branch=net.venge.mnotone checkout monotone-sources
<H2>Getting Bitbake</H2>
You can either download bitbake from:
OR go into /home/yourname/slug and run:
<LI>$sudo mkdir bitbake
<LI>$cd bitbake
<LI>$sudo svn co svn://svn.berlios.de/bitbake/branches/bitbake-1.4 bitbake 
Additional help can be found at
If you downloaded bitbake, then save and extract the files in /home/yourname/slug
cd into the bitbake directory
You can either run:
<LI>$sudo apt-get install bitbake
<LI>$ sudo ./setup.py install --prefix=/usr/local
Run the following:
<LI>$sudo mkdir openembedded
<LI>$cd openembedded
<LI>$sudo mkdir packages
<LI>$cd packages
<LI>$sudo mkdir file
<LI>$cd file
<H2>Create the following files</H2>
OEROOT="/home/yourname/slug" OESYS=$OEROOT/bitbake-1.8.12 PKGDIR=$OEROOT/openembedded OEBUILD=$OEROOT/build BBPATH=$OEBUILD:$PKGDIR:$OESYS PATH=$OESYS/bin:$PATH cd $OEBUILD LD_LIBRARY_PATH= export PATH LD_LIBRARY_PATH BBPATH export LANG=C unset LC_CTYPE unset CC unset CXX alias bb=bitbake echo "Environment set up for OpenEmbedded development."
OEROOT = "/home/yourname/slug"
DL_DIR = "${OEROOT}/sources"
BBFILES = ${OEROOT}/bitbake-1.8.12/openembedded/packages/*/*.bb
BBPATH = ${OEROOT}/bitbake-1.8.12
PREFERRED_PROVIDERS = " virtual/${TARGET_PREFIX}gcc-initial:gcc-cross-initial"
PREFERRED_PROVIDERS += " virtual/${TARGET_PREFIX}gcc:gcc-cross"
PREFERRED_PROVIDERS += " virtual/${TARGET_PREFIX}g++:gcc-cross"
MACHINE = "nslu2"
DISTRO = "unslung"
DESCRIPTION = "hello world sample program"PR = "r0"DEPENDS = ""SRC_URI = "file://hello.c"S = "${WORKDIR}"do_compile () {    ${CC} ${CFLAGS} ${LDFLAGS} -o hello hello.c}do_install () {    install -d ${D}${bindir}/    install -m 0755 ${S}/hello ${D}${bindir}/}FILES_${PN} = "${bindir}/hello"
#include "stdio.h“
  printf("Hello World\n");
Where to put the files:
In the bitbake.conf file – located in the conf folder, ensure that OEDIR is set to: /home/yourname/slug
Also ensure that you change the path in the files you just created to match your directory structure
In /home/yourname/slug run:
<LI>$sudo ./set-env
This sets up the openembedded environment which is needed to finish running everything from bitbake
<H2>Building Hello World<H2>
Once all files are in the correct place and the dependencies are installed, run the following:
<LI>$cd /home/yourname/slug/bitbake-1.8.12/openembedded/packages
<LI>$bitbake world 
<LI>$bitbake –b hello
World will build everything in the folder
-b hello will only build the hello package
<LI>$sudo apt-get install hello
This will print out “hello world!”
<H2>Other Factors</H2>
These instructions will change depending on the OS being used.
Tutorial was based on information from: [http://www.gumstix.net/Software/view/Build-system-overview/Hello-world-tutorial/111.html]For More information please see the above mentioned site
<H2>Question / Comments</H2>
For other questions, comments, or if you find anything incorrect, please contact me at:
For other questions, comments, or if you find anything incorrect, please contact me at:
'''Sarah Pramanik - sarah.pramanik@gmail.com'''
'''Sarah Pramanik - sarah.pramanik@gmail.com'''

Latest revision as of 13:01, 24 March 2009

Bitbake on Ubuntu

See my work posted on Bitbake on Ubuntu.

Question / Comments

For other questions, comments, or if you find anything incorrect, please contact me at: Sarah Pramanik - sarah.pramanik@gmail.com