Slackware 13.37 On Gumstix Overo
From Gumstix User Wiki
Slackware 13.37 On Gumstix Overo
Slackware ARM 13.37 Is now End Of Life but there may be some interest in installing it because the 2.6 series kernel is long term stable, and because the Caspa unit works with linux 2.6.34 from
The focus of the Slackware on Gumstix Overo series of Howtos will be on Slackware 14.1 and later.
SD Card:
/etc/rc.d/ directory changes:
Copy Slackware ARM packages to SD Card
Uninstall SSHD, OpenSSL... reinstall from source.
To control module loading order, say for example, to load the camera and wifi modules last, blacklist the modules and load them in your own scripts or via /etc/rc.d/rc.local.