Slackware 13.37 On Gumstix Overo
Slackware 13.37 On Gumstix Overo
Slackware ARM 13.37 Is now End Of Life but there may be some interest in installing it because the 2.6 series kernel is long term stable, and because the Caspa unit works with linux 2.6.34 from
The focus of the Slackware on Gumstix Overo series of Howtos will be on Slackware 14.1 and later.
SD Card: Setup and Format per Gumstix Instructions.
Very Important: Use the fastest SD card media you can afford. "UHS Speed Class 1" or "Speed Class 10", minimum.
Also consider using the ext4 filesystem, BUT, you will have to rebuild the kernel for that.
If you go cheap on the SD Cards, like "Speed Class 4", you will notice the difference. The kernel caches writes to the SD Card, and finishes them as it can. This is why it is always important to use the "sync" command when copying data to the SD Card. If you are trying to do any kind of video capture application, the SD card has to be fast enough to handle HD video capture.
setenv console ttyS2,115200n -- Must Match setting in /etc/inittab Shown below. setenv mmcroot -- Mount read only. rc.M will re-mount read-write. setenv mmcrootfstype setenv mmcrootfstype
Kernel and Modules:
Try Using the kernel and modules obtained from here,
or built per the instructions there, or use a 2.6 series kernel and modules from an Overo NAND.
/etc/rc.d/ directory changes:
# Local serial lines: s0:12345:respawn:/sbin/agetty 115200 ttyO2 ansi
Must match u-boot console setting. Match terminal type, (last argument) to your terminal program. Try "ansi" for use with minicom.
Copy Slackware ARM packages to SD Card
Uninstall SSHD, OpenSSL... reinstall from source.
To control module loading order, say for example, to load the camera and wifi modules last, blacklist the modules and load them in your own scripts or via /etc/rc.d/rc.local.