From Gumstix User Wiki
Ecj problem, bulding classpath
If you run into problems that your environment has an ecj that does not pass the checks in configure. You might want to try this: To ensure that your Gentoo has the right version of the eclipse compiler First you may have to unmerge the current eclipse-ecj
# emerge --unmerge eclipse-ecj # cd /etc/portage # echo ">=dev-java/eclipse-ecj-3.4" >> package.mask # emerge eclipse-ecj --pretend # emerge eclipse-ecj
# bitbake classpath -c clean # bitbake classpath
Building Classpath
Building Classpath resulted in an error that was caused by a faulty classpath to the antlr.jar. The error may be a symptom of something else but --with_antlr_jar= addition to recipe got me past the issue:
EXTRA_OECONF += "\ --disable-alsa \ --disable-dssi \ --disable-qt4-peer \ --disable-plugin \ --enable-gconf-peer \ --enable-gtk-peer \ --enable-local-sockets \ --with-vm=java \ --with_antlr_jar=~/overo-stable/tmp/staging/i686-linux/usr/share/java/antlr.jar \ "
other isseus with classpath
Got a problem when building classpath: Invalid flag -1.5 Solution found here
a Know bug when building java. |here