Category:How to - bluetooth
Install the basic bluetooth stuff with
ipkg install bluez-utils
First off, I had to move the "sleep 1" from after "sdptool add ..." to before the sdptool command. The startup script seemed to be failing to run to completion before I did that.
Networking: pan access point
ipkg install dnsmasq
/etc/dnsmasq.conf needs to contain (among other things it comes with):
allow-hotplug bnep0 auto bnep0 iface bnep0 inet static address netmask network
PAND_ENABLE=true PAND_OPTIONS="--listen --role NAP"
#!/bin/sh iptables -A POSTROUTING -t nat -j MASQUERADE -s echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT
You may need to re-run pand or re-run the post-up script.
Networking: pan client
allow-hotplug bnep0 auto bnep0 iface bnep0 inet dhcp
PAND_ENABLE=true PAND_OPTIONS="--role PANU --search"
For some reason pan can't find my access point so I have to hardcode it
PAND_OPTIONS="-c 00:0B:5D:44:33:22"
Dialup networking: server
Dialup networking: client
GPS repeater
Install gpsd and configure it for your gps connection.
In /etc/init.d/bluetooth, change
$RFCOMM_EXEC -r watch 0 1 /sbin/getty -w -L rfcomm0 115200 vt100 &
$RFCOMM_EXEC -r watch 0 1 sh -c "gpspipe -r >/dev/rfcomm0" &
Unfortunately, advertising your gps uses the same sdp record as advertising your bluetooth console, so this knocks out your console. You can bring it back on an unadvertised channel:
$RFCOMM_EXEC -r watch 1 2 /sbin/getty -w -L rfcomm1 115200 vt100 &
but then you'll have to be able to manually choose channel 2. That's not a problem from linux, but problematic for others.
Keyboard or mouse
Put your keyboard or mouse in pairing mode and run:
hidd --search
The keyboard should connect and on subsequent runs it will reconnect automatically if you boot up with this in /etc/default/bluetooth
HIDD_ENABLE=true HIDD_OPTIONS="--master --server"
Voice audio
Currently the way to use voice over bluetooth requires a vx board and a USB bluetooth adapter with a CSR chip in it.
High-fidelity audio
You can use A2DP with either the internal bluetooth adapter (model 08 or newer) or any brand of USB adapter if you have a vx board.
Install the packages you'll need:
ipkg install bluez-utils bluez-utils-alsa alsa-utils-aplay madplay
Edit /etc/bluetooth/audio.service to enable autostart:
[Bluetooth Service] Identifier=audio Name=Audio service Description=Bluetooth Audio service Autostart=true
Reboot now if you had to change this.
You'll likely need the passkey agent running, at least the first time you connect. A few itech headsets need "8888" but most need "0000" for the pin:
passkey-agent --default 0000 &
put your headset in pairing mode. Usually this means starting from off and holding the power button down until it flashes. Then find the headset's address:
hcitool scan
edit your /etc/asound.conf with an adapter for bluetooth with the address you just found. My headset is made by itech, so I name the adapter after it:
pcm.itech { type bluetooth device "00:0D:3C:8A:13:06" }
now try playing something to it:
madplay song.mp3 -r 44100 --output=wave:- | aplay -D itech
you can also live-encode the line in source to a2dp:
arecord -c 2 -f s16 -r 44100 | aplay -D itech
unfortunately for live encoding, the delay is pretty bad and for some reason I can never get stereo audio from the line-in source.
Debugging connection problems
The best way to figure out what is happening is to use hcidump.
ipkg install bluez-hcidump
In a separate window, or in the background, start the dump:
hcidump -XV
And then in another window, try out your bluetooth command that isn't working. hcidump output is very verbose, but you'll probably be able to zero in on the issue by studying it a little.
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