Category:How to - OpenEmbedded

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Gumstix uses the OpenEmbedded build environment so developers can create a complete Linux Distribution for embedded systems.


Instructions for setting up an OE build environment for the Overo series have been posted on here.

Verdex Pro

Instructions for setting up an OE build environment for the Verdex Pro series have been posted in various places at various times. The current instructions are here. Kernel There are numerous methods of kernel development; some consider Buildroot the most straightforward. Those using OE may find these links offer useful workflows for kernel development:

To directly cross-compile the 2.6.21 kernel from the OE/SVN tree try these commands:

  source ${GUMSTIX_TOP}/extras/profile
  cd ${GUMSTIX_TOP}/tmp/work/gumstix-custom-verdex-angstrom-linux-gnueabi/gumstix-kernel-2.6.21-r1/linux-2.6.21
  make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=${GUMSTIX_TOP}/tmp/cross/bin/arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi-

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