Eclipse on Gumstix for new users

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Revision as of 09:40, 28 June 2010 by Searchworks (Talk | contribs) (wording)

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Gumstix and the OpenEmbedded environment can be tricky for new users to setup. Likewise, the tools for working with Gumstix tend to be rather Linux-focused so it can be challenging for Windows and Macintosh users to get started.

During the spring of 2010, Gumstix Engineers have been working with the Eclipse IDE in order to create a introductory tour of the capabilities of the Gumstix modules for new or less-experienced users. Some of the functions tested within Eclipse include:

- creating a console connection and installing packages

- writing "Hello, World" a la python

- using a VNC viewer from inside Eclipse

- write, uploading, running, and debugging a graphical Java application

- cross-compiling and remote debugging C & C++ code (thanks to Buglabs and others)

- using the Bitbake Commander plugin ( thanks to Ken Gilmer)

A download documenting this use of Eclipse can be found here.

There is a discussion on the mailing list regarding this new documentation here.

Please note: This download documentation is in beta format so it is not complete. Please send your feedback and suggestions to the Gumstix mailing list via that thread linked above.