Other FAQs

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Q My LCD panel is not showing text in white.

A From "Steve Sakoman" :- Your hardware is fine! The issue is a software one, but it is easily fixable.

Gumstix just began shipping the consoleLCD16 card included in your LCD-kit. Prior to this, the consoleLCD was the standard interface and it supported 18bpp. While 18bpp sounds better than 16bpp, the reality is that very few software packages support 18bpp very gracefully. Hence the change.

You are caught in the transition -- the kernel and rootfs on your motherboard were built for 18bpp support, but you are using a consoleLCD16. The wacky colors you see are the result. The software builds have been changed to rgb16 by default starting with revision 300.

The solution is simple -- update your kernel and rootfs. You can do this in one of two ways:

1. Set up a build environment and build your own image as described here:


2. Use a pre-built image as described here:


