Qtopia core howto

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We need to find the compiler (symlinks & path)

 $ cd path-to/gumstix-oe/tmp/cross/bin ; for f in arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi-*; do n=$(echo $f|cut -b 28-); ln -s $f arm-linux-$n; done
 $ PATH=$PATH:path-to/gumstix-oe/tmp/cross/bin/ ; export PATH

Download and unpack qt-embedded. As of release candidate 1, the name has changed from qtopia to qt-embedded. The commands to get and unpack the qt-embedded release candidate for the gumstix are:

  $ wget ftp://ftp.trolltech.com/qt/source/qt-embedded-linux-opensource-src-4.4.0-rc1.tar.gz
  $ tar xzvf qt-embedded-linux-opensource-src-4.4.0-rc1.tar.gz ; cd qt-embedded-linux-opensource-src-4.4.0-rc1

I chose to install qt-embedded in the directory qt-4.4.0 under /usr/lib. If you would like to install it somewhere else, provide that location in the -prefix option.

Configure, make and make install. If you want to use the touchscreen for mouse input, it is best to include the tslib mouse driver configuration for qt-embedded. The correct configuration is:

 $ ./configure -embedded arm -little-endian -prefix /usr/lib/qt-4.4.0 -qt-mouse-tslib; make ; make install

tar and move it to gumstix (~83 MB including examples & demos)

 $ cd /usr/lib
 $ tar cvf ~/qt-4.4.0.tar --exclude=doc qt-4.4.0
 gumstix: $ tar xvf qt-4.4.0.tar -C /media/cf ; ln -s /media/cf/qt-4,4,0/ /usr/lib/qt-4.4.0

qt-embedded needs libstdc++, move it to your gumstix's /lib or somewhere it can be found

 $ cd path-to/gumstix-oe/tmp/staging/arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi/lib/
 $ tar cfv ~/libstdc++.tar libstdc++.so*
 gumstix: $ tar xvf libstdc++.tar -C /lib

Set variables for qtopia & calibrate touchscreen. If you are using the tslib then you should calibrate the touch screen using ts_calibrate instead of the mousecalibration example. The environment variable QWS_MOUSE_PROTO should be set to tslib:/dev/input/touchscreen0

 $ export QWS_MOUSE_PROTO='tslib:/dev/input/touchscreen0'
 $ ts_calibrate