Qtopia platform howto

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Revision as of 11:19, 18 February 2008 by Zyagon (Talk | contribs)

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download and unpack

 $ wget ftp://ftp.trolltech.com/qtopia/source/qtopia-opensource-src-4.3.1.tar.gz
 $ tar xfzv qtopia-opensource-src-4.3.1.tar.gz ; cd qtopia-opensource-4.3.1/

we need qtopia to find the compiler

 $ ln -s path-to/gumstix-oe/tmp/cross/bin/arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi-g++ path-to/gumstix-oe/tmp/cross/bin/arm-linux-g++
 $ PATH=$PATH:path-to/gumstix-oe/tmp/cross/bin/ ; export PATH

configure, make and make install

 $ ./configure -separate-debug-info -little-endian -edition platform -xplatform arm -arch arm -prefix /qtopia ; make ; make install

tar image and move it to gumstix

 $ tar cfv ~/qtopia-platform.tar /qtopia/image
 gumstix: $ tar xvf qtopia-platform.tar -C /mnt/cf/qtopia ; ln -s /mnt/cf/qtopia/ /qtopia